Category: Dental Care
CBD & Dentistry: The Facts You Need To Know
by April 10th, 2019
|The evolution of oral health as a function of systemic health has bought dentistry into the forefront of integrative medicine. Issues with tooth alignment and oral cavity size/shape and oral inflammation have links to sleep apnea, diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and a slew of other health issues. I’m happy that dentistry has become a huge part…
Airway Problems? Your Dentist Can Help!
by February 12th, 2019
|In the past year, I have embarked on an amazing journey to expand my dental knowledge in the direction of preventive and educational dentistry. Two years ago, I left my part-time position in academics to focus on private practice. But I missed the teaching aspect of my career and so decided to dive in to…
Are You Grinding Your Teeth? It Might Be Doing More Damage Than You Think…
by November 30th, 2018
|Recently, I’ve noticed something at my practice. There’s a growing number of patients who come in for routine care and complain of TMJ related problems like tooth grinding (bruxism) and clenching. Even more surprising is that patients of all ages are suffering these problems. At New York General Dentistry, my patients range in age from…
A Great Gift Idea for the Environmentally Conscious
by November 17th, 2017
|As a whole, our society is focusing on being more environmentally conscious. For the first time in decades the ozone layer is shrinking and to me that’s proof , that we are slowly but surely doing something right. As a dentist, I always like to find ways our profession can contribute to preserving the environment.…