Combating Bleeding Gums: Causes and Effective Treatments

Combating Bleeding Gums: Causes and Effective Treatments

by Dr. Inna Chern | January 18th, 2024

Though fairly common, bleeding gums can be an unwelcome surprise during your day and lead to anxieties about your oral care. To compound this, there are a multitude of potential causes of bleeding gums, making it harder to determine the issue on your own. At New York General Dentistry, we understand your concerns and are here to guide you toward the proper maintenance steps to remedy your bleeding gums. 

Causes of Bleeding Gums

Poor oral hygiene is the leading culprit of bleeding gums as it causes an accumulation of bacteria to build along the gums. Certain dental factors include

  • not flossing 
  • smoking 
  • gingivitis
  • periodontitis

Along with poor oral hygiene, certain conditions and disorders can lead to excessive bleeding in the gums: 

  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Leukemia
  • Diabetes
  • Pernicious Anemia

Hormonal changes in women have also been known to cause gum bleeds—in particular, pregnant women and women going through menopause are more susceptible to bleeding gums. 

At-Home Treatment Options

For milder cases of gum bleeding or when the cause is not an underlying dental issue, certain steps can be taken at home to reduce bleeding and strengthen your gum line:

Upgrade Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Unsurprisingly, falling into a good, thorough dental routine can reduce gum bleeds extensively. Improper care or not cleaning enough will lead to plaque build-up but brushing for 2 minutes and flossing/ using water irrigation once to  twice a day can reduce this build-up. Using a mouthwash daily can also aid in improving inflammation. At NYGD we recommend CTX rinse products available on our products page.

Stop Smoking

Smoking is a leading contributor to gum diseases in the United States as it lowers your body’s immune system and heightens bacteria’s ability to stick around. Limiting your smoke intake can significantly reduce your chances of gum bleeding and other dental issues. 

Increase Vitamin Intake

Certain vitamins can strengthen your immune system and improve your blood’s function, making excessive bleeds far less common—for an improved immune system, increase vitamin C, and for improved blood clotting, take more vitamin K. 

Professional Treatment Options

If bleeding gums are an ongoing issue or become apparent along with other dental diseases, it is best to seek professional solutions. Remedying gum bleeds without solving the root cause could lead to further complications. Depending on the cause, professional gum treatments include:

Tooth Scaling and Root Planning

For a deeper dental clean, New York General Dentistry provides tooth scaling and root planing treatments that remove plaque buildup and provide much-needed relief to the gums. 

Laser Periodontal Surgery

A newer dental cleaning method, laser periodontal surgery focused laser beams to precisely remove or reshape diseased gum tissue while sterilizing the treated area and protecting healthy tissue.

When and Where to Seek Professional Help for Bleeding Gums

Mild cases of gum bleeding should resolve on their own quickly, but gums that persistently bleed for two or more weeks could be indicative of a larger issue. If gum bleeding persists for two weeks, call New York General Dentistry. 

Dr. Chern is an expert dentist dedicated to providing quality dental care to New York City residents. With years of experience, Dr. Chern can expertly assess your bleeding gums, determine the cause, and set you on the right path to relief. For masterful, efficient care, schedule a consultation with New York General Dentistry. 

Dentist at New York General Dentistry | 212.838.0842 | Website | + posts

For over 20 years, Inna Chern, DDS has been offering personalized, high-tech dental care to Manhattan and NYC residents. With a focus on individualized attention and the latest technology, her modern Midtown East office aims to reshape dental care perceptions in New York by prioritizing patient well-being and innovative services.

By Dr. Inna Chern

For over 20 years, Inna Chern, DDS has been offering personalized, high-tech dental care to Manhattan and NYC residents. With a focus on individualized attention and the latest technology, her modern Midtown East office aims to reshape dental care perceptions in New York by prioritizing patient well-being and innovative services.

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